SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter Summer Event


Tuesday, July 16th, 2024

2:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Adjunct Session

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Dong-eui University, Busan

"Engage, Exchange, Excel: 

Revealing Potential through Networking!"

Invitation Message

On behalf of the SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter organizers, I am thrilled to extend an invitation to an exclusive half-day event filled with inspiring talks, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. We've assembled a distinguished lineup of leading professionals from both industry and academia to unveil cutting-edge research and innovation in the field.

Our panel discussions will feature both junior and senior researchers who will share their unique journeys as HCI professionals, offering valuable insights to help you navigate and shape your own career path.

This event is set to bring together a dynamic, interdisciplinary community of academics and professionals devoted to human-computer interaction and associated fields. I encourage you to reconnect with old colleagues, forge new friendships, and engage in mentorship opportunities. Seize this invaluable chance to network, expand your knowledge, and find inspiration. 

부산 동의대학교로 초대합니다.

Sung-Hee Kim | Dong-eui University

Contact: (at)

신청 마감되었습니다!

The SIGCHI workshop operates on a pre-registration basis, up to 80 participants. The application is now CLOSED. Those who apply after the deadline will be placed on a waiting list. If any of the original applicants cancel, a notification email will be sent to those on the waiting list. 

SIGCHI 워크샵은 무료 사전등록으로 진행되며, 선착순 80명까지 마감되었습니다. 이후 신청하시는 분들께는 예비 순번이 부여되며, 기존 신청자가 취소할 경우 대기자분들께 안내 메일이 발송될 예정입니다. 

"Join us for keynote talks, a moderated panel and a networking event!"

 Program Schedule

13:30 - 14:00 Registration

14:00 - 14:10 Opening Remarks

14:10 - 14:50 Keynote I by Bongshin Lee, Yonsei University

14:50 - 15:30 Keynote II by Deokyong Kang, Hankook Research

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:40 Keynote III by John Joon Yeong Chung, Midjourney

16:40 - 17:20 Panel Discussion - Career Paths: Industry vs. Academia 

17:30 - 20:00 Networking Social Event

July 17th

09:00 - 12:00 Workshop Data-driven Digital Healthcare for HCI (Closed Session)



14:10 - 14:50

Language: Korean

Human-Data Interaction for Inclusive Data Experiences in the AI Era 

Bongshin Lee

| Professor at Yonsei University

Data has become an essential part of our lives, offering numerous opportunities to shape our work, lifestyles, and interactions with the world. The rapid advancement of AI technologies, including large language models and multimodal AI models, has the potential to transform the way people understand and use data to improve their lives. However, it can also widen the digital divide, marginalizing those who lack the abilities to effectively utilize data and AI technologies. In this talk, I will briefly share how my research has evolved from human-computer interaction and data visualization to inclusive human-data interaction. I will also discuss research avenues to enrich data experiences for a wider audience, making data and data visualization accessible and beneficial to everyone. 

Bongshin Lee After 17 years working at Microsoft Research, she joined Yonsei University as a Professor in March 2024. She conducts research on data visualization, human-computer interaction, human-AI Interaction, and human-data interaction, with an overarching goal to empower everyone to achieve their goals by leveraging data, visualization, and technological advancements. Lee is the Chair of the IEEE VGTC (Visualization and Graphics Technical Community) and a member of the ACM ISS Steering Committee, and serves as the Papers Co-Chair for ACM CHI 2025. She was inducted into the IEEE Visualization Academy in 2020. Lee received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Maryland at College Park. 


14:50 - 15:30

Language: Korean

Changes in User Experience and New Demands on Corporate UX Practices in the Age of Technological Innovation 

Deokyong Kang 

| Executive Director at Hankook Research

In this seminar, we will share insights gained from over 20 years of consulting in the user experience field with leading domestic and international companies. We will explore how the work of securing corporate insights has evolved in response to IT innovations. The discussion will focus on new UX strategies adapted to the changing times and the evolving roles of UX designers.

This keynote presentation aims to provide direction for future user experience strategies and foster a discussion on the skills and competencies UX designers need to prepare for.

Deokyong Kang is a UX researcher and Executive Director at Hankook Research, the largest research firm in South Korea, where he leads the Global Research Division and the UX Innovation Lab. With nearly 20 years of consulting experience, he has specialized in User research and Experience planning for leading IT companies both domestically and internationally. His team 'Innovation Lab' is the largest UX research organization in South Korea conducting over 100 UX research projects annually. 


16:00 - 16:40

Language: English

New Creation Interactions with AI

John Joon Young Chung

| Research Scientist at Midjourney

Advancing AI technologies, such as large language models and diffusion-based text-to-image models, have enabled new creation experiences as AI can generate a part of the artifacts. With these models, natural language prompts have become a baseline interaction for AI-based generative creations. While they are useful for exploring the space of generative creations, only using natural language prompts would not be enough for user expressiveness and pushing the boundary of creation experiences. This talk provides an alternative perspective that how we interact with physical creative materials can be an inspiration for novel AI-powered creative experiences. With that perspective, I introduce a series of interactions I investigated: 1) story generation through sketching, 2) using prompts like paint medium in image generation, 3) story world element generation in semantic magnet space, and 4) story unfolding through toy-playing.

John Joon Young Chung is a research scientist at Midjourney. He completed his Computer Science and Engineering Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and his Electrical Engineering B.S. at Seoul National University in the Republic of Korea. He interned at Microsoft Research, Naver AI Lab, and Adobe Research during his Ph.D. years, and was a full-time researcher at Kixlab KAIST before he started his Ph.D. John’s main research interests are AI-powered creativity support tools for art-making and storytelling, while his interests also span education technologies, natural language processing, and crowdsourcing. He is a recipient of paper awards from ACM CHI and CSCW.


Career Paths: Industry vs. Academia 

Panel Discussion Time: 16:40 - 17:20

Language: Korean & English

Join us for an engaging and insightful panel discussion where HCI scholars from both sectors will share their personal journeys, successes, and challenges. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a professional considering a career shift, this discussion promises to be enlightening and inspiring. Let's explore the diverse opportunities and make informed decisions about our futures together. 

Moderator: Sung-Hee Kim

Sung-Hee Kim is currently an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Industrial ICT Engineering at Dong-eui University and affiliated with the AI department for graduate school.  Here research interests are Human-AI Interaction, HCI & Healthcare, and User-centric Data Visualization. She received her Ph.D. in the School of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University in 2014, and M.S. and B.S. from Ewha Womans University in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at 2008 and 2006, accordingly. From 2015 to 2017, she has been a senior researcher at Samsung Electronics.

The Panelists

Bum Chul Kwon

IBM Research

Donghwan Kim

Yonsei University

Donggun Park

Pukyong National University

Jiyoung Lee

Sungkyunkwan University 

John Joon Young Chung


Seokwoo Song

Samsung Research

Data Service Lab




Sung-Hee Kim

Dong-eui University (at)

Hyunggu Jung

University of Seoul

Ian Oakley


Student Volunteer co-chairs: Hyunmin Lee (University of Seoul), Jinwoo Ryu (Dong-eui University), Yunseo Moon (University of Seoul)

The Venue

"DISCLAIMER: Please do not attempt to walk up the hill to campus."

Dong-eui University Sanhak Bldg. (#20) 

1st Floor, Prime Hall

동의대학교 산학협력관 (건물 20) 1층 프라임홀

부산광역시 부산진구 엄광로 176 

네이버 지도: 

The venue "Prime Hall" is located at Sanhak Building (#20) first floor. You need to pass by Bldg. #19 where Holly's coffee shop is located.

By Taxi:  It is about 20 minute drive from Busan Train Station by taxi.

By Subway-> Bus:  Take Busan Station (Line 1, Nopo-bound), then transfer to Seomyeon Station (Line 2, Yangsan-bound) and get off at Dong-eui University Station.

Take the Busanjin-gu 6-1 Village Bus from Dong-eui Subway Station Exit 5 toward 'Dong-eui Station' and get off at 'Dong-eui University College of Natural Sciences (Nat'l University Rotary)' 

산학협력관 1층 프라임 홀에서 워크샵 개최를 합니다. 할리스 커피가 있는 지천관(건물 19) 건물을 지나서 뒤편에 위치해 있습니다. 

택시: 부산역에서 택시로 20분 정도 거리입니다.

지하철-> 버스: 부산역(1호선, 노포행) 승차 후, 서면역에서 서면역(2호선, 양산행)으로 갈아타 동의대역에서 하차하여 버스나 택시 이용

동의대역 5번 출구 쪽 '동의대역'에서 부산진구 6-1번 마을버스 승차 후 '동의대학교자연대학(자연대 로타리)'에서 하차 (방학중에는 버스 배차간격 15분)


Directions after getting off bus.

Directions for taxi or vehicles.

 Networking Event

"Join us for an engaging event and come ready to reach out and connect with new people. Your participation will make it truly special!" 

Networking Event will be held at a separate building 제2효민생활관, Bldg. #14 5th floor (교수라운지). Food & soft-drinks will be provided free of charge, only for participants who registered. 

Event time: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM


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SIGCHI Korea Local Chapter 2024 Summer Event